©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca English version

You can find thiese articles in italian and in french on ©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca in Italian and ©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca in French with its FLASH éditions ©UTOPIA Journal Danse Francesca in French, ©UTOPIA Journal Danse Francesca Edizione Flash in italian and ©UTOPIA Journal Danse Francesca Flash Edition in English

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.34 April 29, 2024 « The film RESILIENT MAN is released in Switzerland on 8 May ». Exclusive interview.“ #utopiajournaldansefrancesca #stephanecarrel #stevenmcrae

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.33 April 21, 2024 World Ballet Grand Prix named after Bat-Erdene Udval, the man who made ballet history in his homeland Mongolia and in the world ». Exclusive interview.“ #utopiajournaldansefrancesca #baterdeneudval

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.32 April 18, 2024 « The film RESILIENT MAN by Stéphane Carrel about Steven McRae world dance star ». Exclusive interview.“ #utopiajournaldansefrancesca #stephanecarrel #stevenmcrae

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.31 July 21, 2023 « Alejandro Olivera ». Exclusive interview. #utopiajournaldansefrancesca #alejandroolivera

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.30 July 30, 2023 « Mackenzie Brown« . Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.29 April 29, 2023 « Amanda Pérez Duarte from Cuba to Finland« . Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.28 April 12, 2023 « Leonardo Celegato ». Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.27 October 13, 2022 « Shale Wagman ». Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.26 July 26, 2022 « Calvin Richardson, Australian dancer, First Soloist of the Royal Ballet ». Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.25 May 27, 2022 « I introduce you to the young Cuban dancer Alejandro Olivera ». Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.24 April 22, 2022 « I introduce you to the young Japanese dancer Keita Fujishima ». Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.23 December 31, 2021 « I introduce you to the young Canadian dancer Samaël Maurice ». Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.22 October 30, 2021 « Special Edition dedicated to Maestro Fethon Miozzi« . Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.21 June 9, 2021 « Anastasia Smirnova challenge Kitri in the Don Quixote« . Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.20 May 29, 2021 « Davide Loricchio. From Bergamo to Saint Petersburg« . Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.19 May 24, 2021 English version « Samuel Winkler. Young Creation Award at the Prix de Lausanne 2021« . Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.18 October 24, 2020 English version « Italy in the world: Federico D’Ortenzi. Dancer at the Pennsylvania Ballet of Philadelphia in the United States« . Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.17 August 10, 2020 English version « Luca Masala, Artistic Director of the Princesse Grace Dance Academy of Monte Carlo« . Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.16 May 17, 2020 English version « Maggie Lorraine dance learning specialist teacher. Quarantine experience ». Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.14 February 9, 2020 English version « Georgia Swan. Soloist at the Queensland Ballet in Australia ». Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.14 February 9, 2020 English version « Georgia Swan. Soloist at the Queensland Ballet in Australia ». Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.13 February 9, 2020 English version « Italy in the world: Camilla Mancuso ». Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.12-January 17, 2020 English version « Bat Erdene Udval, The first Asian principal dancer at Moscow ». Exclusive interview.

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.8-September 8, 2019 English version « Haiti in New York. I have the pleasure to present to you Sanford Placide. Exclusive interview ».

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.8-September 8, 2019 English version « Leslie Browne. Exclusive interview. »

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.8-May 8, 2019 English version « Fethon Miozzi Italian pride that Russia has been able to recognize and value. Exclusive interview. »

©Utopia Journal Danse Francesca Periodical n.8-May 8, 2019 English version « Australia in Lausanne. Exclusive interview with Maggie Lorraine and her students, Jade Mitchell and Samuel Winkler. »

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